型号含义 Modelimplication 
适用范围 Applications 1. 1区、2区危险场所或20区、21区、22区危险场所; 2. ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC爆炸性气体环境或可燃性粉尘环境; 3. 户内、户外(IP65、IP66*); 4. 温度组别:T1~T4/T5/T6; 5.应用于石油、化工、航天、等场所。 1. Hazardous:division 1 &2,or 20,21,&22; 2. Explosive gas atmosphers:class ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC or inflammabledust environment; 3. Indoor or outdoor(IP65,IP66*); 4. Temperature class:T1~T4/T5/T6; 5.Widely using in the fields of oil, Chemical industry, spaceflight,war ind-ustry and so on. 产品特点 Features 1.壳体采用高强度铝合金一次性压铸成型,表面经高速抛丸 清理后高压静电喷塑。外壳结构紧凑合理、材质密度高强 度好、防爆性能优良,表面塑粉附着力强,具有良好的防 腐能力,表面光洁,美观大方; 2.进出线口有多种方式及规格。 3.进出线口螺纹可特制。 4.钢管或电缆布线。 1.Shell made of high strength aluminum alloy casting off the surfaceafter blast cleaning by high voltage electrostatic spray. Shellcompact structure, high density material strength, Explosion-proofperformance, the surface of plastic power adhesion ability withgood anti-corrosion, the surface smooth, elegant appearance. 2.Inlet or outlet has many kinds of modes and specifications. 3.Thread specification can be specially designed. 4.Wiring with steel tube or cable. 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 防爆标志 Ex-mark | 额定电压(V) Rated voltage | 额定电流(A) Rated current | 防腐等 Corrosion-proof -class | 防护等 Protection category | ExeⅡT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExeⅡT6(欧标) ExdⅡBT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdⅡBT6(欧标) ExdⅡCT6等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdⅡCT6(欧标) DIP A20 TA,T6等效于 Ⅱ1D ExtD A20 T6(欧标) | 380 | 20 | WF1 | IP54 *IP55 |
隔爆型接线盒代号,外形及名称一览表 Flame-proof junction box code, outline and descriptions as the following table. 代号 Code | 外形 Outline | 名称 Name | 代号 Code | 外形 Outline | 防护等 Protection category | A | | 一通平 1 entry in horizon | F | | 一通吊 1 entry hung type | B | | 二通平 2 direct entries in horizon | G | | 二通吊 2 direct entries hung type | C | | 三通平 3 entries in horizon | H | | 三通吊 3 entries hung type | D | | 四通平 4 entries in horizon | I | | 四通吊 4 entries hung type | E | | 直角二通平 2 perpendicular entries, in horizon | J | | 直角二通吊 2 perpendicular entries, hung type |
注: 1.“ ”表示平盖,“ ”表示吊盖 2.在正常情况下,吊盖与通头同口径,如特殊要求可特制。、 3.通头一般为圆柱管螺纹G1/2"、G3/4"、G1"如特殊要求可特制。 Note: 1." "horzontal cover," " hung cover. 2.Generally the diameter of entry is equal to that of hung cover hole. special requirement canbe available. 3.The entry is often made as pipe thread G1/2", G3/4",G1", also specialrequirement can be made. 外形及安装举例 Outline and mounting example 
ⅡB类、增安型接线盒外形尺寸 Dimension of ⅡB group, safety-incrteased type junction box 电缆外径(φ,mm) Cable's outer diameter | 管螺纹 (G) Pipe thread | A | B | C | D | 电缆外径(φ,mm) Cable's outer diameter | 管螺纹 (G) Pipe thread | A | B | C | D | φ8~φ10 | 1/2 | 163 | 110 | 65 | 110 | φ15~φ23 | 1 1/4 | 185 | 110 | 80 | / | φ8~φ14 | 3/4 | 163 | 110 | 65 | 110 | φ18~φ30 | 1 1/2 | 185 | 110 | 80 | / | φ12~φ18 | 1 | 163 | 110 | 65 | / | φ25~φ38 | 2 | 225 | 120 | 98 | / |
ⅡC类,接线盒外形尺寸 Dimension of ⅡB group junction box 电缆外径(φ,mm) Cable's outer diameter | 管螺纹 (G) Pipe thread | A | B | C | D | φ8~φ10 | 1/2 | 190 | 120 | 85 | 120 | φ8~φ14 | 3/4 | 190 | 120 | 85 | 120 | φ12~φ18 | 1 | 190 | 120 | 85 | 120 |